HARRISBURG – The City of Hermitage today was awarded a state grant for $330,000 for a project to improve Lorenwood Drive near the Hermitage Athletic Complex and add a trail connecting to the facility, according to Sen. Michele Brooks (R-50).
“Outdoor recreational facilities like Hermitage Athletic Complex enhance the quality of life for local families, as well as attract tourists into the area,” Brooks said. “Increasing recreational opportunities is an important component of economic development plans in the county, whether for business owners, health professionals, or individual families looking for places to relocate, they look at the entire package of what the area has to offer.”
Hermitage Athletic Complex has become a regional asset with two softball fields, two multipurpose fields, a playground, concession stand, restrooms and dek hockey facility. The complex also is seamlessly connected with the Hermitage Little League Complex, which features three baseball fields.
“The City of Hermitage is grateful to Sen. Michele Brooks and Rep. Parke Wentling for their efforts in securing state funding for the Lorenwood Drive Multimodal Project,” said Hermitage City Manager Gary Hinkson. “The project compliments a previous grant supporting a trail connection from the Lorenwood Drive neighborhood into the Hermitage Athletic Complex (HAC) by making the necessary roadway improvements to Lorenwood Drive and further extending the trail system at the HAC.”
The grant was awarded through the state Multimodal Transportation Fund, which provides financial assistance to municipalities, councils of governments, businesses, economic development organizations, public transportation agencies, and ports and rail freight entities.
CONTACT: Adam Gingrich, 717-787-1322